YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Who Am I Riddles And Answers
Tweet Need to think of something to keep the kids occupied? Try your hand at our 50 'who am I' riddles with answers to have a bit of fun with all the family and test your general knowledge. See who can get the most answers correct! Cartoon...
Answer: Dora the Explorer 5. I come from Peru and love eating Marmalade - especially in sandwiches! Answer: Paddington Bear 6. I'm a detective who travels around the kingdom of Jalpur to solve cases and mysteries with my mongoose sidekicks. Answer:...
All through my city, all through my home Answer: Justin Timberlake Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. Answer: Pharrell Answer: PSY We will, we will rock you Hint: Our band name is just one word and means a female ruler Who am I? Try to answer a riddle or two below - who can get the most answers correct? My sister has the power to create and control snow and ice. We grew up together in the palace. Answer: Anna from Frozen I like to help people and will always be there for you if you are in danger. Answer: Baymax from Big Hero 6 I have a pet cricket and a red dragon guardian who is always there to help.
I love sword-fighting and horse riding. Answer: Mulan My nose grows longer and longer if I tell a lie. Answer: Pinocchio I love to eat and bugs are one of my favourite foods. My best friends are a small yellow meerkat and a loyal King lion! Answer: Pumba from the Lion King I really don't like tick tocking noises, especially clocks. I also sail the seven seas. Answer: Captain Hook I dream of running my own restaurant. When I kissed a frog, I also turned into one! Never mind as you can try to get more riddles correct in this round of Famous People from the past to the modern day. In , I set the world record in the meter sprint and became known as one of the fastest runners. Answer: Usain Bolt I'm an Indian YouTuber from Canada. I'm also the creator of Unicorn Island. Answer: Lilly Singh I love the environment and campaign against climate change. I also travel by boat to reduce my carbon footprint.
Answer: Greta Thunberg I am an activist who fought for civil rights in America in the s and s. I'm known for my famous 'I Have a Dream' speech. Answer: Martin Luther King Jr I am known for painting the Mona Lisa. I was also a famous inventor and mathematician. Answer: Leonardo Da Vinci In , I was the first British astronaut to ever walk in space. Answer: Tim Peake I am a famous actor known for doing my own stunts and martial arts in my movies. I starred in the film 'The Spy Next Door'.
What shows do prisoners like to put on? A cell-out sell out. What has an eye but cannot see? A needle. Mary has four daughters. Each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does Mary have? Five children: four daughters and one son. Nothing on the outside, nothing on the inside light as a feather, yet ten men cannot lift it. What is it? A bubble. Really Hard Riddles You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer? Simply draw a shorter line next to it. The first line will now be the long line. Why are artists no good in sports matches? Because they keep drawing. A full moon. I am always hungry and will die if not fed, whatever I touch will soon turn to red. What am I? What do outlaws eat with their milk? I can shave 25 times a day and still have a beard? A barber. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, and Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Who lives in the white house? The President. What stays where it is even after it goes off?
An alarm clock. You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you do often see. A reflection. What rooms do ghosts avoid? The living rooms. I can run, but not walk. The thought is not far behind me. Dirty when white. What five-letter word can you remove two letters from and still have the same meaning? A skin has I, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. A potato. You walk into a room with a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. Which do you light first? The match. There is a greenhouse. Inside the greenhouse, there is a white house. Inside the white house, there is a red house. And, inside the red house, there are lots of babies. A watermelon. Note: Have any suggestions for riddles we should include?
Submit your best riddles via the contact page. Amazing Riddles The Barber of Seville shaves all men living in Seville. No man living in Seville is allowed to shave himself. The barber of Seville lives in Seville. Who shaves the barber of Seville? No one. The Barber of Seville is a woman. Each took an apple and left eleven hanging there. How can this be? Each is the name of a person. Creative Riddles I stand in the corner of a building and never leave.
Yet, my children travel everywhere. A mailbox. I can shave every day, but my beard stays the same. Who am I? You have 10 fingers on your hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands? The answer is What flowers can be found between your nose and your chin? Think two lips. What has lots of eyes but cannot see? What kind of band never plays music? A rubber band. What has a bottom at the top? Your legs. What has a head and tail but nobody? Certain coins. What tastes better than it smells? Your tongue.
Be alert and stay up on your toes. I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I? Silence What disappears when someone talks? But, this What Am I riddle is a traditional favorite. I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high. After I go in, everything becomes tight. A screw. A skull. Ok, this What Am I riddle is a little dark, and yet, it still works.
I am black, white, and red all over. A newspaper. This is a classic and might be the most famous of the What Am I riddles. Exceptional 5. I am the beginning of everything, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. Tip for everyone: when all else fails, consider the spelling of the clue and see if that directs you to the correct solution. I have a straight back and sharp teeth to cut objects. A saw.
For most animals, I am a useful tool. Teeth Most of us think of teeth for chewing. So, you have to expand your definition to include cutting and grinding. What Am I riddles will sometimes push the edges a bit. I am a seed with three letters in my name. Take away the last two and I still sound the same. A pea. I get wet when drying. I get dirty when wiping. A towel. Who am I? A milk truck. I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot. I have two bodies joined together as one. When standing still. I ran and ran. I have a neck and no head, two arms but no hands. A shirt. I have one eye but cannot see. A needle. A punch. You can catch me but cannot throw me. A cold. I have three eyes and only one leg. Obey me or you will be sorry. A traffic light.
My neighbor makes mistakes. I get rid of them. An eraser. I have fangs and enjoy piecing holes with a single bite. A stapler. Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. The letter R. Say my name and I disappear. A clock. I am always around you but often forgotten. I am pure and clean most time, but occasionally rotten. The air. I am invisible. A ghost. People walk on me day and night. I never sleep. A sidewalk. The more you take away from me, the bigger I shall get. A hole. The more you take of me, the more you leave behind. A footstep. I can be cracked, made, told, and played. A joke. Tear me off and scratch my head, what once red is now black. A match. Each morning I appear to lie at your feet, All-day I will follow no matter how fast you run, Yet I nearly perish in the midday sun.
A shadow. I shrink smaller every time I take a bath. As a state in America. I am round on both sides and high in the middle. When you take away the whole from me, there is always some left. I am the only thing that places today before yesterday. You are my brother, but I am not your brother. I am your sister. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. A fire. I am today. Who was I? Christopher Columbus. There are four brothers: One of them can run but never wearies; one of them can eat but never gets full; one of them can drink but never quenches its thirst, and one of them can sing any type of song.
Who are these brothers? Water, fire, earth, and wind. I make you weak at the worst of times but in the end, I keep you safe. You will sweat in my presence, even as you grow cold. I dwell with the weak and easily the brave, but without me who could tell the difference.? I am a mother from a family of eight. Spins around all day despite my weight. Had a ninth sibling before founding out its fake. The earth. An enduring summation, inscribed on my face. A tombstone. I am sneaky and pesky and when I seek the truth, it often gets me in trouble. I was not born, but I am here. I have no name, but I am given many.
Below are a few cool facts about them that you may not already know: The poet Homer is said to have died of grief when he couldn't find the answer to a tricky question. Riddles make appearances in both the Bible and the Koran. The Protean Riddle, used by Russian traditionalists and South African traditionalists as well, is an example of enigma that has passed through many different culture-types through folklore. Shakespeare is one of the most famous literary figures in history to make the use of enigma a staple in his writings. Many studies point to there being great educational value with the great mental exercise that comes with attempting to solve word puzzles.
Trending Tags Feel free to use content on this page for your website or blog, we only ask that you reference content back to us. When the topic is an individual, occasionally it may be a renowned person in history. This person is more than likely someone from modern popular culture, but sometimes you may need to know a bit of history to answer correctly. The degree of difficulty for of Who Am I questions varies widely. While some are more simple for kids who are just learning to read, others are more complex and are probably questions that adults will understand. Seeing as these riddles are one of the more popular riddle types, we keep the section updated regularly. Additionally each puzzle or questions has "Who Am I Answers" so you will never have to leave our site wondering if you got the correct answer or not. Think you're ready for some great Who Am I questions with answers? Well, good luck and happy riddling!
What am I? Answer: A clock I am a seed with three letters in my name. Take away the last two and I still sound the same. Answer: A pea What has to be broken before you can use it? Answer: An egg What has one eye but cannot see? Answer: A teapot What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?
Answer: The letter M What is full of holes but still holds water? Answer: A sponge Turn us on our backs and open up our stomachs, and you will be the wisest but at the start a lummox. What are we? Answer: The future Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people? Answer: A map I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I? Answer: Seven What goes up but never comes back down? Answer: A candle What type of cheese is made backwards? Answer: Edam What has a neck but no head? Answer: A bottle How many months of the year have 28 days? Answer: His breath Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. Answer: Ton Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it? Answer: Carrot What word contains 26 letters, but only has three syllables? Answer: Alphabet I am often following you and copying your every move.
Yet you can never touch me or catch me. Answer: An onion What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it? Answer: A promise Come up and we go, Go down and we stay. Answer: An anchor White and thin, red within, with a nail at the end. Answer: Finger It can be said: To be gold is to be good; To be stone is to be nothing; To be glass is to be fragile; To be cold is to be cruel; Unmetaphored, what am I? Answer: Mirror.
Stretch your mind and see if you can identify the tricky answers contained within these hard and funny what am I riddles for kids and adults. Riddles are great exercise for the mind and can teach children critical thinking skills such as inductive and deductive reasoning. These what am I riddles and answers are especially good at engaging the mind in analysis, evaluation and problem solving. Below you will find a collection of what am I riddles with answers followed by some what am I riddles for kids which are more suitable for young minds. What am I? Show Answer A balloon People come visit me but rarely stay long. I can be clean but am often very dirty. People usually reveal to me a part of them that they rarely show others. Show Answer A toilet You find me once in the morning, twice in the afternoon but never in the evening. Show Answer The letter O Like smiling?
You probably do. Check out these super funny riddles I can be broken or attacked, I can be clogged or crushed, I can be given and I can be kept, sometimes I am warm and other times I am cold. What is it? Show Answer An eye I can be late, I can be early, I can be astronomical or atomic and my insides are incredibly complex. Show Answer Clock I can be sweet or not so much, I have nice curves and from my name you might think I make a ringing sound. Show Answer The moon Hmmm, if you made it down here, you must like these what am I riddles. Why not check out our who am I riddles? I am sometimes powerful, I am sometimes complex or deep, I can be blind, lost, or profound. Show Answer Love I am a beer, however many kids drink me and do not get drunk. Show Answer Root beer I can grow quickly and I can die slowly, I can be a terrible pain or a comfort and joy. You never find me all by myself.
Show Answer A relationship I am said to be only one dimensional, and as itty bitty as can be, some say I am the basis of all that we see. Even though they seem to be sad people still cut me so bad. Show Answer An onion Try experimenting in the laboratory with these science riddles or concoct some spooky potions with some witches and Frankenstein using our Halloween riddles. What Am I Riddles for Kids If you are looking for ways to challenge your kids or students, these what am I riddles for kids will be perfect. If kids are not interested, they will not pay attention and, therefore, not learn.
But kids love riddles! The riddles above are primarily tailored to be what am I riddles for adults, but could also be used for older or more advanced kids. However, below are the perfect riddles for kids what am I style. Your kids or students will also love these riddles for kids. White and sparkly I can be, fluffy and soft, kids make angels out of me. Show Answer Snow I can jump, I can climb, I swing from tree to tree with my many legs and I make a house much bigger than myself. Show Answer Spider I have some branches, but I am without a trunk, leaves or fruit. People often shake me or smack me against my own kind. Show Answer Hands People look forward to my coming, they light lights for me, they celebrate me, they often take a break and rest when I arrive and some say I am the most important thing all year.
Show Answer A rooster You can call me curly, you can call me bald, you call me gray and shaggy, long or short. Show Answer Hair Round and round I go never stopping in a continuous flow. I hang out with numbers each and every day and nothing ever gets in my way. Show Answer Check out our cool riddles for teens I can be angled, I can be arched, I can be raised, bushy and plucked, and women spend a lot of time perfecting me.
Show Answer An apple product iPhone, iPad, etc. They provide for you, they keep you safe, we celebrate them every June. What are they? Show Answer Dads Sometimes my face is round or square, but you may even see me with a hexagonal face. I have 3 hands and I strike all sorts of digits. Show Answer Clock I can be white, I can be dark grey, I can be luminous or ominous, bright or dark and people like to store all sorts of things in me. Show Answer I am a stick combined with a sweetness ball. Show Answer Lollipop If you give me a letter I will not keep it long, boxes help pay my salary and I travel so much but never very far. Show Answer A postman Wow! You made it to the bottom of the page? In addition to what am I riddles hard riddles can really push the limits of your mind. Please share them with those who you think will enjoy and appreciate them. Spread the love :.
The best guessing games and riddles for kids Solve riddles for preschool and elementary school children We must encourage the mind to keep working for as long as possible because of its proven long-term benefits. Riddle games are educational resources that are transmitted by word of mouth from time immemorial. Their purpose is, through a description of greater or lesser extent, to guess the word we are looking for.
Being a highly demanded resource for leisure time, we have gathered here in this section the best collection of riddles for elementary school children. You'll find clues and the correct solutions to the brain teasers for kids for you to check if you have hit the nail on the head with your answers. There are a lot of riddles with answers with different extensions.
Short riddles and long riddles for you to choose from, depending on the time you have. We have also gathered riddles by levels of difficulty for you to decide which ones to tackle first. By themes, you will find , among many other categories, animal riddles for kids, vegetables and fruit riddles, natural elements or characters, so that you can enjoy them to the fullest. We recommend you start by putting into practice easy riddles for kids and those on the subjects that you control the most and then go on tackling the difficult riddles with answers and those dealing with topics you are less acquainted with. This way, your brain will learn progressively. Once you have solved the game, you can learn the riddles for children by heart and play with your friends or family in meetings or whenever you want. That way you'll challenge them too and it will be much more fun. If you play the game within a community, it is much better because you can compete with more people.
Do you think they'll be able to find the answer sooner than you? It will be exciting to find out. Come on, train yourself first and then challenge as many friends as you want. Solve list of riddles and you'll get many benefits; it will allow you to expand your vocabulary, develop cognitive capacity, encourage imagination, facilitate a greater association of ideas and many other things, which you'll discover as the fun also grows with these unique puns. The riddles for kids with answers that we offer you are fantastic. Once you complete the riddler riddles we recommend you discover other content such as tongue twisters, stories, games or crafts that will also provide you with a lot of entertainment.
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