YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Study Guide Questions For A Separate Peace Answers
A Layer : : Critical Thinking and Analysis. This layer requires the highest and most complex thought. Create leaders, voters. A Separate Peace Webquest from Mrs. The novel deals with the relationship of two best friends, Gene and Finny, who share a...
A Separate Peace Much of the tale centers on two roommates who seem exceptionally close But when one feels betrayed by the other, he acts out of anger and ultimately causes the other to become a cripple. Title: A Separate Peace. Running Time:...
Buy Study Guide The author John Knowles , like his narrator Gene , was from the south West Virginia, to be exact , and sent off to an uppercrust boarding school in New England for polish before university. However, unlike Gene, Knowles was no academic whiz at boarding school; he came close to flunking out of school, and was never the genius student that Gene is portrayed as being. The novel A Separate Peace is a largely autobiographical work, drawing on Knowles' experience at Exeter to create the Devon school. Like Gene, Knowles attended a summer session at school to make up some classes; however, the year was , not , as it is in his novel.
Other than that, the summer session that Knowles describes in the book was very much akin to the summer session that he attended at Exeter. The summers at Exeter and the fictional Devon were also similar in their carefree atmosphere, their warm, summery beauty, and in the amount of enjoyment the handful of students took from these summers. Phineas , like Gene, also had a real counterpart; Knowles based the character on David Hackett, who was actually a student at a different school, Milton Academy. However, David was at Exeter for the summer session on which the novel is based, and was a founding member of the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session, which was a real club, and very much like the one described in the novel.
David and Knowles were not roommates, but lived across the hall, and became very close as the session progressed. David was a good friend of Bobby Kennedy, and later held a position with Bobby in the Justice department. Whether Gene's jealousy of and competitiveness with Finny was also based on the relationship on David Hackett and John Knowles is unknown, though Mr. Knowles, through his own description of the summer session on which his book is based, would seem to defuse any such theory. Although he and Gore were not close friends during their time at school, Knowles does believe in retrospect that he did a good job in distilling the essence of who he believed Gore Vidal to be, into the character of Brinker.
Leper has no particular model according to Knowles, but is an amalgamation of a certain type of person whom he runs across repeatedly. The tragedy of Finny's death was modeled on the death of Bob Tait, a student at Exeter who died in the same manner, on the operating table and as a result of bone marrow escaping into the blood-stream. Knowles was saddened by these events as a senior at the school, and knew Tait to be a kind and gentle person, much as Finny is in the book.
The war had as much of an impact on Exeter life as it did at Devon; Knowles has discussed, as Gene does in the book, how teachers were drawn away from the school by the war effort, and how the students began doing a great many things "for the war. Unlike Gene, however, Knowles was a decently good athlete, participating mostly in swimming; he never achieved the superhuman feats that Finny attains in the novel, but he was no slouch either. Although the book is mostly based on real events from Knowles' life, still remember that this book is not a work of non-fiction. Knowles himself says that the characters, even those that he bases on real people, are a hodgepodge of different traits and qualities, and many of the dramatic conflicts of the book are not based upon real events, but were invented for the sake of the story.
The inspiration and the fuel for Knowles' book was taken directly from his own life experience, but this does not mean that it is solely Knowles' experience that makes up the meat of the events of the book.
On the beach, Finny calls Gene his "best pal," but Gene cannot respond in the same way. At this point in the novel, how is Finny a "best pal" to Gene? How is Gene not a "best pal" to Finny? Do the friends' feelings about each other change as the novel progresses? Explain your answers with references to the novel. The tree by the river strongly recalls the Tree in the Garden of Eden, the site of original sin. Three different characters offer their own ideas about Gene's moral guilt in making Finny fall. Leper accuses Gene of being always "a savage underneath," Finny talks about "some kind of blind impulse," and Gene confesses to "some ignorance inside me. Which do you think is closest to the truth? Defend your answer with evidence from the novel. The two rivers, the Devon and the Naguamsett, play important roles symbolically in the novel. What does each river tell us about Devon? How does Knowles use the rivers to make his point about innocence and experience?
Why is it important that the Devon runs into the Naguamsett and the Naguamsett runs into the sea? Leper's delusions are clearly the product of his psychosis. Yet when he describes the events at the tree in his testimony, he seems to be telling the truth in a kind of poetry. Discuss the images and poetic symbols Leper uses in his testimony about Finny's fall. What does Leper's poetic testimony tell us about this tragic event? Leper's mother and Brinker's father are the only parents who actually appear in the novel. What does the character of each parent tell about that parent's son?
If both parents represent the older generation, what conflict exists between the generations? Like Gene, Brinker grows over the course of the novel. Discuss Brinker's changing views of Gene, the war, enlistment, and responsibility. How does the Brinker who first appears at Gene's door become the Brinker who prepares to leave Devon with Gene in the last chapter? Finny's views on the war include great contradictions, from his wearing of the pink shirt as an emblem, to his conspiracy theory, to his letter to Chiang Kai-Shek proposing to join the Chinese army. What does Finny really think of the war? Do his feelings change over the course of the novel? If so, how and why?
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An interactive data visualization of A Separate Peace's plot and themes. He attended Phillips Exeter Academy starting at age 15 and graduated in After graduating in , Knowles worked as a journalist and travel writer and later began to publish short stories in magazines. Knowles went on to write half a dozen more novels and spent the rest of his career teaching writing at various universities, including Princeton. In the United States in , 16 and year-olds were all too aware of the fact that they would most likely be drafted into the military when they turned Both The Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Peace depict the physical and emotional turmoil of adolescence with an unprecedented dose of candor and detail.
The Catcher in the Rye does so by taking an uncensored look into the mind of one character, whereas A Separate Peace looks closely at the bond between two adolescent friends. Paramount Pictures released a film version of A Separate Peace in The movie was poorly received by critics and was a commercial failure. In writing A Separate Peace, Knowles drew heavily on his experience of spending two summers at Exeter in and , which he has described as among the happiest times in his life.
The character of Phineas is based directly on a student named David Hackett, whom Knowles befriended in the summer of at Exeter. Hackett attended Milton Academy, a rival high school, during the regular school year.
Why is it important for our kids to read books — good books, and sometimes even hard books! Instead, much more than that happens. Anything might happen in such a meeting! How can we encourage our kids to read classic literature, help them actually get something worthwhile out of it, but also be honest enough to validate any frustrations they feel, and help them move beyond that frustration to something like satisfaction with the experience?
Vocabulary must be mastered. Simple devices like symbolism or personification must be introduced. We have them answer questions to make sure they are following the plot. We have them draw pictures when they are young and write papers when they are older describing characters and their relationships with one another…all so that they will be able to understand what they are reading. Comprehending what you read is absolutely vital to success as a student, and even to success in life as an adult. But there is a lot more to reading than comprehension.
Checkout Added to cart Reading for Interpretation is another layer, a deeper level of interaction with a book. Inferential Reading adds another experience and set of skills. When we read for inference, we gain knowledge from the book and then reach a conclusion based on that knowledge. We try to predict what will come next, thinking about cause and effect. The conclusion one person reaches may be vastly different from the conclusion reached by another reader. It needs to be okay for a young person to learn something different from the book than what I learned, as long as he or she can take a reasonable stab at sharing with me HOW that conclusion was reached. Teens should get full credit for using their brains as they read, even if they reach an unusual conclusion! Reading for Evaluation is yet another type of reading. When we evaluate a book, we determine its worth. This is a highly subjective process, and it can be empowering for students who are NOT natural bookworms when we teach them to evaluate a book and encourage them to articulate their conclusions.
The worth of book can be defined in countless ways. Pick one, and ask your student to evaluate it in light of a particular question. In my experience with my own kids some of whom were NOT bookworms! Checkout Added to cart I was thrilled to have Cathy Duffy review my American Literature study guide bundle and earn her glowing endorsement. You can get the full transcript of my teaching on this topic in PDF format. Printables for summarizing a book or analyzing a character — great for visual learners! Have you thought about using a few movies as opportunities for literary analysis? Yes, it can be a legitimate way to learn in high school!
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