Friday, April 9, 2021

Science Trivia Questions And Answers For High School

YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Science Trivia Questions And Answers For High School

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How many equal angles are there in an Isosceles Triangle? What number cannot be represented in Roman numerals? What number, when squared, is one-third of its cube?

[DOWNLOAD] Science Trivia Questions And Answers For High School | HOT

Test your knowledge of science facts and applications of scientific principles by taking our question quiz. When you finish, you will be able to compare your scores with the average American and compare responses across demographic groups. Our...

200+ Science Trivia Questions With Answers

Based on the graphs, which city has the greatest annual range of temperatures? Chicago, Illinois New York, New York They all have the same annual temperature range The time a computer takes to start has increased dramatically. One possible explanation for this is that the computer is running out of memory. This explanation is a scientific … The time a computer takes to start has increased dramatically. This explanation is a scientific… Experiment Conclusion Observation Many diseases have an incubation period. Which of the following best describes what an incubation period is?

Science Trivia with Answers

The recovery period after being sick The effect of a disease on babies The period during which someone builds up immunity to a disease The period during which someone has an infection, but is not showing symptoms When large areas of forest are removed so land can be converted for other uses, such as farming, which of the following occurs? Increased erosion.

79+ Science Trivia Questions With Answers

What is sushi traditionally wrapped in? Answer : Edible seaweed. Which of these films was the first to win an Academy Award for Best Picture? Answer: Eastenders, when Den divorced Angie, which drew What continent is cut into two fairly equal halves by the Tropic of Capricorn? Answer : Australia. What explorer introduced pigs to North America? Answer : Christopher Columbus Who, after anchoring off Hawaii in , was mistaken for the god Lono? Answer: Captain James Cook. A: George Washington. What French explorer was murdered by his crew after he spent two years failing to locate the mouth of the Mississippi? A: Robert La Salle. A: St. A: Take a shower What can Germans publicly deny the existence of to earn five years in prison? A: The Holocaust. A: Albert Einstein What country lost A: Poland. A: The Declaration of Independence. A: George Bush. What civil rights leader did Dorothy Parker leave the bulk of her estate to? A: Martin Luther King Jr. A: Goatee In ancient Turkey you could be executed for drinking what?

211 Funny Trivia Questions and Answers 2021 – 2021

A: President In ancient China, what crimes resulted in a punishment of castration? A: Treason, murder, adultery You could be jailed for doing what in public in in the United States? A: Sneezing For what reason did Texas prisons ban the last cigarette for death row? A: Gasoline In Minnesota it is illegal to wear what in bed?

Fun Science Trivia

A: Nothing, i. A: telephone pole You can be jailed in Fargo North Dakota for dancing with what? A: Your Hat on What does it mean if a Turkish judge breaks a pencil? A: death sentence Who was the Wimbledon finalist that lost in , and later murdered his wife? A: They were Crucified In in England, what was made illegal? A: A passage in the Book of Isaiah. Cats are feline, what are sheep? A: Ovine. In Singapore you can be publicly caned for failing to do what? A: Flush Toilet after use What can a cheetah not do that a tiger and a puma can do? A: Muammar Gaddafi. How many days can an ant survive under water? A: Two. A: prostitution In Florida women can be fined for falling asleep under what? A: Hair Drier Every fifteen minutes cockroaches do what? A: Fart In Tennessee it is illegal to drive if you are what? A: Asleep What is it illegal to do in Israel on a Saturday? A: Pick Your Nose What theologian claimed he could drive away the devil with a fart? A: A Condom In California it is illegal to do what in a hotel room?

80 Science Quiz Questions

A: Peel an Onion Psychologists say that men who do what during sex are insecure? A: Fart Ancient Egyptians rubbed what on their dicks to enlarge them? A: Baths If you are wearing a Swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for you to do? Mr Spock from Star Trek. A living person. According to Greek mythology who was the first woman on earth? What is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men? Prostate cancer. What is the largest two digit prime number? Answer Which U. Answer: William Henry Harrison — he served as president for just 32 days in Spinach is high in which mineral? A: Wake one up for a photo Which part of the body would a chiropodist treat? The feet. Scooby Doo and his friends travel around in which vehicle? The Mystery Machine. A: His Shadow According to Massachusetts law, what can you not do to a pigeon? A: Scare it How do members of the Walibri tribe in central Australia greet each other?

Middle School Science

By shaking penises. Who has been Pope the longest in the 20th century? A: John Paul II. Which Pope died in after a mere 33 days in office? A: John Paul I. There are one trillion germs that live on each what? A: human foot What U. A: William Shatner Who wrote that the female of the species is more deadly that the male? A: Rudyard Kipling.

How Many Of These Actual High School Science Quiz Questions Can You Answer Correctly?

A: disrobe When a people are frightened, their ears produce more what? A: Earwax By law, what is banned in Japanese restaurants? A: The Catcher in the Rye. Frank Heyes in on the horse Sweet Kiss was the only jockey ever to do what? A: Win a race after death — Hear Attack In , what was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage? A: The Netherlands. A: China Abraham Lincoln never does what in any photographs? A: Flushing public toilet Multi millionaire Russell Sage saved money by not doing what? A: Wearing underwear Samuel Pepys wife always slept with what in her hand? Why does it ban women? A: Menstrual cycle offends the Gods Some Japanese hi- tech toilets automatically wipe butts using a what?

20 Science questions for your home pub quiz to put your friends to the test

A: Eat eels What famous person failed his entrance exams to school at the age of 16? A: Albert Einstein Cows stand up and sit down about how many times a day? A: Farting — public health reasons Fifty six percent of Americans believe there is what in heaven? A: Send themselves flowers The German word for poison is what? A: Gift Four percent of women never do what according to a survey? A: Beat his wife On what day of the year does domestic violence peak in the U. A: Snakes Pennsylvania was the first colony to legalize what? A: Witchcraft What was the coffin made out of in that Roland Ohisson was buried in? A: Chocolate Mushrooms can both cure and cause what? A: Serve wine Thames water removes a ton of what monthly from its sewage?

100 Science Trivia Questions and Answers 🧪

A: Pubic Hair — plugs up the system What happens if the fruit remains unpicked for too long? A: It falls to the ground. Only one miracle is mentioned in all four gospels what is it? A: Feeding of What animal is most often mentioned in the Bible? A: Sheep What does the word Matrix mean in the Bible?

Free Trivia Questions And Answers General Knowledge

At what temperature are Farenheit and Celsius equal to each other? Which planet has the most moons? In the periodic table, what's the symbol for zinc? What type of animal is a barramundi 5. What is a pomelo? Is it a A hat b A fruit c A musical instrument? What's the material called that won't carry an electric charge? Where on the human body would you find the papillae? Who was the ancient Greek god of medicine? What kitchen appliance that saves us time did Percy Spencer invent? Umami is the name of one of the five basic what? If you get scurvy, what vitamin are you deficient in?

Funny science pub quiz questions

What is equal to mass times acceleration? Who wrote A Brief History of Time? Which frozen gas forms dry ice? What does a chronometer measure What is the part of the eye called that's coloured and surrounds the pupil? For which animal is the Latin word lupine used? What is the lightest metal? What type of sugar does the brain need for energy? Alopecia causes what to be lost from the body? Who discovered radio waves? What disease can you get from ticks? Out of the seven colours of the rainbow, which one is in the middle?

250 Good Questions – Ask One to Easily Start a Conversation

The questions are divided into 4 different rounds of 20 questions each and their correct answers can be found at the end of each round. Have fun! Which component of the limbic system processes human emotions and memories? By what name is N-acetyl-S-methoxy tryptamine better known? If an apricot is dried, its carbohydrate content rises from 13 per cent to a 25 per cent b 38 per cent or c 67 percent? Whose binomial theorem applied mathematics to gambling games and developed the notion of betting odds? What is the drawback to superconductors that makes them largely unviable for commercial use? Carrots are good for your eyesight: true or false with explanation?

Science Knowledge Quiz

In which state did a massive volcanic eruption occur in the US at Mount StHelens in , with fifty-seven lives lost, despite a comprehensive evacuation programme? What fraction is denoted decimally as 0. Which science deals with the measurement and calibration of the earth and its surface and gravitational field? What do the initials USB stand for in computer science? What is the hard, set polymer used in old-fashioned telephones and electrical insulators? What name is given to the elementary particle believed to have been finally identified at CERN in ?

8th Grade Science Quiz

Who discovered oxygen before Joseph Priestley and chlorine before Humphry Davy, but failed to publish and never got the credit? The modern branch of mathematics called algebra came to the West from which area? What was the profession of Edwin Hubble in Pasadena in the ? Round I Answers.

Science Process Skills Knowledge Quiz!

It is a live team trivia quiz where contestants are challenged on their knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, astronomy, computer science, earth sciences, inventions, local contributions to science and other subjects. The information might be useful or purely trivial and might test knowledge of scientific methods, theories, or history. Teams have to be ready for anything, and any can win! The Challenge is a contest between teams which consist of students in 12th grade or lower High School or Middle School.

Science Process Skills Knowledge Quiz! - ProProfs Quiz

The maximum team size in any given round is five players, but teams can have up to ten players total. High School Teams are limited to students through grade 12, with a limit of two teams per school. Middle School Teams are limited to students through grade 8, with a limit of one team per school. A second team from Middle School team may be included on a space available basis, please e-mail sciencetrivia mit.

Science and Maths - Quiz Questions with Answers

Teams are entered on a first-come, first-served basis until the event capacity is reached, so it is best to register early. Every contestant will receive a certificate and several other gifts. The top finishing teams will also be treated to dinner by one of three Nobel Laureates. For many years, an Open Division for adults was included, but no longer. The organizers wanted to make more spaces available to the growing interest from local Middle and High Schools. Quiz Format The competition is broken into rounds of questions each.

25 science quiz questions to test your general knowledge

Questions can be multiple-choice, matching, short-answer, or multiple-answer format. Each question is given a point value, with partial credit awarded in some cases. All teams competing in a given round will be positioned at a table on the stage, with a scorekeeper for each team. When the moderator asks a question, the scorekeepers will give each team an answer sheet with the question printed on it and space for the team's answer. After a question is read, all teams will have a short amount of time to discuss the question, write down a final answer on the answer sheet, and hand the sheet back to the scorekeeper. After time has expired, the moderator will read the correct answer s and the scorekeepers will assign points accordingly.

Kids Science Quiz

For the High School Division, there will be two preliminary rounds with up to 9 teams in each. The higher-scoring teams from each preliminary round will meet in the Gold runoff round. The other teams will meet in the Silver runoff round. The winners of these two runoff rounds will win a Grand Prize. Team Registration The following rules will apply to teams: A player can only be a member or alternate on one team. Team composition can be changed prior to the start of competition, but cannot be changed once competition has begun. For high school teams: There is a limit of five players per team in any one round. Each team is allowed to register with up to five alternates, but substitutions can only be made between rounds of play. For middle school teams: Only five players may participate at a time, but up to five alternates can register. In the middle of the round, the Moderator will provide an opportunity to make substitutions.

Science Quiz Questions and Answers

Space will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. This fee reduction from previous years is made possible by our Mathworks sponsors. Please contact sciencetrivia mit. Try these questions from past Science Trivia Challenges Note: To see some additional questions, click here. A fluid is considered "Newtonian" when its viscosity is independent of its shear rate. All but one of the substances below is a Non-Newtonian fluid. Which one is a Newtonian fluid?

How Many Of These Actual High School Science Questions Can You Answer Correctly?

Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes? What is the location of Pinna in human bodies? Outer ear. What does DC stands for? Direct Current. The mountain pygmy possum. What is the age of the Sun? What happens when lightening hit the tree? The water in the tree boils up and burst up the tree. What is the name of the tallest grass of the world?

Fun Science Trivia - Cheshire Public Schools

What is the average height of Bamboo? Is Obsidian an igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic rock? Name the country having longest coastline? What is the cause of Tsunami? Tsunami is caused by the displacement of water due to earthquake or landslide under sea. What is dust? Small particles carried by air currents. When was the first ever seismograph invented? Where was the first ever seismograph invented? Is the stratosphere above or below the troposphere? Extending 50km above the troposphere. What is the temperature of human body during digestion? Slightly higher than normal. Name the three smallest bones in human body? Malleus, Incus, and Stapes. What is the size of normal human body? Smaller than Neanderthal brain. Name the longest living structure on earth? The greater barrier reef, Australia. What name is given to animals and plants collectively? Name the oldest living thing known living on earth?

20 Questions Chemistry Quiz

Bristlecone Pine. What is the highest recorded surface wind speed on earth? Where was the highest speed of wind recorded? Over MT Washington. Which chemical causes the burning taste sensation when eating chilies? What is the coolest layer of atmosphere? What is the average heat of lightening? What formation on Earth can have the names tabular, blocky, wedge, dome, pinnacle, dry dock, growler or bergy bit? Name the crystalline formation in the caves? What is the function of manometer? Measuring pressure of closed system. Which planet is closest to the sun? What is the composition of sun? About 70 percent hydrogen, 28 percent helium, and 2 percent other mass. Where is the Suez Canal located? Yes, about 27 days it rotates once. What is the size of Milky Way? The mass is about billion and 1 trillion solar masses. Who was the last president of the Soviet Union? What political system was gradually dismantled in South Africa, starting in ?

Grades 11 and 12 | Senior High School | Preparing for Exams

Where is Pisa tower located? What is the age of earth? About 4. What is the age of this universe? About 15 billion years old. Which of the planet is rotating fastest? How fast Jupiter do rotates? About 1 times in under 10 hours. Where is the Pyrenees located? In between France and Spain. Where is the Golden Gate Bridge located? San Francisco. What star other than the sun is closest to the earth?

65 Science Quiz For Kids of Grades I to X

What Milky Way actually is? The spiral galaxy. What bird was domesticated first? The first bird domesticated by man was the goose. What is Pisa tower known for? Because of its tilt. Science Trivia for Elementary School How many bones are there in the human body? How many bones are there in infant human body? What percentage of dust is made of human bodies? What trepanning is? Ancient medicine technique for making holes in human skull for reliving pressure. Which is most dangerous among bees, snakes, house flies, or sharks when attributed to human deaths? House flies. What do house flies carries causing human deaths? What do bile juice contains at most?

52 5th Grade Science Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

Which is the chemical causing burning sensation when eating chilies? What is the temperature required for the conversion of graphite in to diamond? What is pressure required for converting graphite in to diamond? Long tube of glass marked at 0. Which of the noble gasses is having A as its first letter. White gold is an alloy of gold and white metal such as palladium or silver. Why nickel is not used for white gold? Because it cause skin allergies. The crystals of iron pyrite. What is the symbol of silver? What is the symbol of Gold? Which element can burn on the surface of water? What is Latin name of Tin? Which is the first ever element created in laboratory?

Quiz: Can You Pass This High School General Science Quiz?: HowStuffWorks

Access the answers to hundreds of popular computer science questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to follow. Computer Science. Put your science smarts under the microscope and see how much you know about bloodstones, biomes, buoyancy, and more! What is Aurora Borealis commonly known as? Which metal is heavier — silver or gold? Answer: A mountain range. Visit thousand of General Knowledge Questions. Get help with your computer science homework. There is no quicker way to learn about Science in Elementary School - Grades 3, 4 and 5. There are many schools, and plenty of vacancies. Conclusion, answers to the questions. There are questions are about the planet Earth and other planets, human body, trees, plants, nature and the solar system which will teach children many important, accurate and intriguing scientific facts.

Science Trivia Challenge!

Image: Shutterstock. Enjoy" Yes,dear Scientist, I enjoyed the hub a lot. A comprehensive database of more than science quizzes online, test your knowledge with science quiz questions. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. The answer to this science trivia fact is yes, sharks can get cancer. Practicing Question Papers for Class 4 Science will help you in getting advantage over other students as you will understand the type of Science questions and expected answers. The correct answer to this question is Rousseau. Time to test those little minds again and ask them some questions on the science of things. The Ask an Expert Forum is intended to be a place where students can go to find answers to science questions that they have been unable to find using other resources.

65 Science Quiz Questions For Kids With Answers Of Classes 1 to 10

Pity that i do not have children of that age and grandsons are just passing that inquisitive stage. Explore the latest questions and answers in Science Teaching, and find Science Teaching experts. Which is the country with the most people? Science is an area of study which involves anything and everything in the entire Universe. Rousseau is of Genevan descent. Receive free lesson plans, printables, and worksheets by email: Your Email Address. Download general science for competitive exams pdf ebook. Having said that, you should not take success for granted. Browse through all study tools. Explore the latest questions and answers in Elementary Particle Physics, and find Elementary Particle Physics experts. Lets start learn.

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