YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Postal 473 Exam Score
You also enquire the next day to ensure that the customer succeeded in retrieving the information he needed based on the information you had provided. Response 3: You demonstrate great service orientation skills as you offer to help find the zip...
How to Prepare for the Postal Exam ? To significantly increase your chances to ace the test, it's crucial to practice the same question types as on the real test and learn the best ways to answer them. This will help you get acquainted with every...
He explains that he wants to send a parcel to his friend, but only has his street address and is missing the zip code. He is not sure how to locate this information. Please select the action you would be most likely to take and the action you would be least likely to take, in response to the described situation. Tell him he can find the information online. Explain where he may find this information and enquire the next day if he found it. Offer to search the zip code together on the USPS website. Explain where he can locate this information and ask if there is anything else you can help with. How would you act in this situation? Check the full solution and explanation here Competency: Service Orientation Most Likely: 3 Least Likely: 1 Response 1: This response fails to demonstrate service orientation. You make no effort to assist the customer or answer his query. Response 2: This response demonstrates service orientation as you explain where the customer can find the information.
You also enquire the next day to ensure that the customer succeeded in retrieving the information he needed based on the information you had provided. Response 3: You demonstrate great service orientation skills as you offer to help find the zip code, and by doing so together, you can show the customer how to locate this information in the future. Response 4: This is a good response that demonstrates service orientation as you explain where the customer can find the information and ask the customer if there is anything else you can assist with before ending the interaction. However, you fail to ensure that the customers' needs were met and that he actually retrieved the information he needed based on the information you provided. How to Prepare for the Postal Exam ? To significantly increase your chances to ace the test, it's crucial to practice the same question types as on the real test and learn the best ways to answer them. This will help you get acquainted with every question you might stumble on, eliminate the element of surprise, and boost your confidence.
As you've seen above, there are 3 sections on the Postal Exam Work Scenarios Tell Us Your Story Describe Your Approach Out test experts have carefully created an accurate prep that covers these sections thoroughly. It consists of full-length USPS practice tests, extra drills, study guides, pro tips, and hacks all updated for My other feedback would be to take the practice tests as often as you can before you apply for the position because once you apply, you have to take the Exam within 3 days. I had no prior experience with postal service exams and thought it would be good to practice. The practice questions themselves were eye-opening in terms of what to expect from the real exam. The Personality Practice and the Work Scenario tests were challenging and really helped me think about my answers in terms of what the employer was looking for. I received several conditional offers and was eventually hired.
The highest scoring applicant automatically receives a job offer conditional upon meeting the appropriate employment requirements. If the highest scoring applicant is not hired does not meet the employment requirements, declines the job offer for any reason, or does not reply to the offer , a job offer is sent to the applicant with the second highest score.
If the second highest scoring applicant is not hired, a job offer is sent to the applicant with the third highest score. If necessary, offers will continue to be sent out until the job is filled. Applicants occasionally fail to meet Postal employment requirements, but it is rare for an applicant to decline the job offer. So, what does all this mean in terms of the score you need to get a job? The highest possible score on these exams is , and 70 is passing. Putting this altogether, you need a score as close to as you can possibly manage to get a job. As with all Postal exams, effective test preparation is the key to a score high enough to get a job. That is where we come in. All Postal Jobs.
The key here is that in Part A, you are penalized for incorrect answers. Your overall strategy is to work as quickly as possible but be accurate. You will be shown 5 different forms and asked 6 multiple choice questions on each form, for a total of 30 questions. You will have a total of 15 minutes to answer all the questions. Scoring Your score in Part B is simply the number of items that you answer correctly. There is NO penalty for guessing.
Your overall strategy is to make sure you work quickly and answer every question even if you have to guess. Part C of the exam has two sections: coding and memory. The same coding guide will be used for both sections. In the Coding Section of the exam you will have 6 minutes to assign the correct delivery routes to 36 addresses. In the Memory Section of the exam, you will be given 7 minutes to assign 36 addresses to the correct delivery routes. You will use the same Coding Guide that was used in the first coding section, but you will NOT allowed to refer to the Coding Guide — you will have to assign the delivery routes based on memory. Scoring Your score in both sections of Part C is the number of questions answered correctly minus one-third of the questions you answer incorrectly.
The key here is that in Part C as in Part A , you are penalized for incorrect answers. Your overall strategy is to work as quickly as possible but be accurate Part D Overview Part D of the exam will attempt to assess your ability to perform effectively as a Postal Service employee. You will be asked questions in 90 minutes that will evaluate your personal characteristics, tendencies and experiences. There are three separate sections of Part D. The last section Experience Section will present questions that can have between four and none possible response choices. Part D will attempt to see if you have certain personality traits, interests and experiences that may indicate that you will be a good fit for the Postal Service.
Professional Licenses and Exams For many people, completing the required U. Once you complete the exam, you will likely be eager to know your score. The USPS online job application system lets you search for job openings, apply for jobs, schedule postal exams and view your postal exam scores. Check the email address associated with your USPS candidate profile, if you have one. If you created a candidate profile prior to taking the exam, then your exam score was immediately sent to your email address after you completed the exam. If you do not already have a candidate profile, continue to the next step to create one and receive your postal exam score. Visit www. Complete the required forms, and enter the Exam History Code that you received from the official testing center where you took your postal exam.
Submit your information. Access your candidate profile to view your score. It will be posted within 24 hours. Related Articles.
Professional Licenses and Exams For many people, completing the required U. Once you complete the exam, you will likely be eager to know your score. The USPS online job application system lets you search for job openings, apply for jobs, schedule postal exams and view your postal exam scores. Check the email address associated with your USPS candidate profile, if you have one. If you created a candidate profile prior to taking the exam, then your exam score was immediately sent to your email address after you completed the exam. If you do not already have a candidate profile, continue to the next step to create one and receive your postal exam score. Visit www. Complete the required forms, and enter the Exam History Code that you received from the official testing center where you took your postal exam. Submit your information.
A passing score of 70 percent or better on a postal exam will place the applicant's name on an eligible register for that job Only the top three candidates will generally be referred The other sections of the exam will need to be taken at a specific testing facility. Postal Exam Secrets Study Guide 2. The Study Guide Understanding the exam itself is an important part of doing well on the exam, but you also need to take time to study. Create a Study Plan As with any exam, you need to have a plan of attack, meaning that you need a study plan and a schedule. Take some time before applying for the position to sit and study for the exam. This could mean taking a month or so and blocking in two to three hours a day before you apply for the position. However, if you do not pass this section of the exam you will automatically fail the entire test and you will not be invited to take the remaining sections of the exam.
The Personal Inventory section is also pretty ambiguous and when it comes to the questions. You will be required to find errors in 60 addresses within 11 minutes, so you basically have 11 seconds on each address. These could be small errors or obvious errors. However, you are not penalized if you leave the question blank. The Postal Exam is required for those who are interested in obtaining an entry-level position with the U. Once you complete the exam, you will likely be eager to know your score. The USPS online job application system lets you search for job openings, apply for jobs, schedule postal exams and view your postal exam scores. Check the email address associated with your USPS candidate profile, if you have one. If you created a candidate profile prior to taking the exam, then your exam score was immediately sent to your email address after you completed the exam. If you do not already have a candidate profile, continue to the next step to create one and receive your postal exam score.
Visit www. Complete the required forms, and enter the Exam History Code that you received from the official testing center where you took your postal exam. Submit your information. Access your candidate profile to view your score. It will be posted within 24 hours. I was told at the 2nd interview they liked me and check email everyday. Never heard anyrhing so i emailed the lady and she said i would be hearing from HR anyday and check spam and still nothing. Its discouraging for sure! I also have pre hire on many apps i submitted so its just waiting. Upvote7 Report Answered April 6, I actually interviewed and was hired.. Upvote7 Report Answered February 24, On the job application, some have fine print saying to add certain Emails to your Not Spam list because they outsource some of their work, so it may have been put in the spam folder and missed.
Necro post for people like me who had this problem with no internet solution available. Upvote Report Answered November 28, Our situations are pretty much the same with the exception that after the interviews you should've received an email offering you the position as well as scheduling your drug test and background check.
I interviewed on 9 Nov but didn't receive the offer for another week and a half. Its all a waiting game which i'm sure you're pretty accustomed to with your background. Patience is a virtue i'm learning through this process. Good luck and thank you for your service Upvote6 Report Answered November 2, - Carrier Former Employee - Stamford, CT You should be waiting until one of the carriers is ready to retire or get transferred,or if new routes open up that is always a possibility Upvote3. If the highest scoring applicant is not hired does not meet the employment requirements, declines the job offer for any reason, or does not reply to the offer , a job offer is sent to the applicant with the second highest score. If the second highest scoring applicant is not hired, a job offer is sent to the applicant with the third highest score.
If necessary, offers will continue to be sent out until the job is filled. Applicants occasionally fail to meet Postal employment requirements, but it is rare for an applicant to decline the job offer. So, what does all this mean in terms of the score you need to get a job? Putting this altogether, you need a score as close to as you can possibly manage to get a job.
As with all Postal exams, effective test preparation is the key to a score high enough to get a job. That is where we come in. All Postal Jobs. Exam Results The exam results are sent to the email address you submitted with your application as soon as you complete the test. Exam scores remain valid until the date on your notice of rating. Exam scores remain valid for six years if you are not hired. Passing a postal exam does not mean you will be hired. Scores are modified by various criteria, including veteran status, and hiring is conducted based on the modified scores. What's Next!!! That makes the Postal Service one of the nation's largest civilian employers.
That makes us the airlines' biggest shipper. Consumer alert. You never have to pay for information about job vacancies or employment opportunities with the Postal Service! But scam artists are victimizing people by selling information about federal job opportunities. These scam artists may also lie about the availability of federal job openings. If someone alerts you to a Postal Service job, check with the local Postal Service facility or on the Internet at www. The Postal Service does not charge application fees or guarantee employment. Don't fall for these rip-offs. It's deceptive for anyone to guarantee a high score on Postal Service entrance tests. An operator encourages you to buy a valuable booklet containing job listings, practice test questions, and tips for entrance exams.
ORDER NOW To apply for postal positions use our instructional guide and then click on the link at the end of the guide to go direct to the Postal Services' official online employment site. Job opportunities are also advertised at local post offices, in national and local newspapers, journals and periodicals. A passing score of 70 percent or better on a postal exam will place the applicant's name on an eligible register for that job vacancy and you can use the same test and application information to apply for multiple jobs.
To improve your postal exam score and for complete information on this process pick up a copy of the 7th edition of Post Office Jobs. Postal employees who have the knowledge, education, credentials, and skills may apply for these openings. Few postal clerks and non professional employees will have law degrees, engineering credentials, or doctorates for example. These post office jobs will generally be advertised in local papers and on the USPS web site. You can also call the local CSSD office's Human Resource Department to check on the status of your application or to follow up on interviews. You will be rated on a point system maximum of points even without a written test. Therefore, your resume and Application For Employment PS Form must be thoroughly completed and include all key information such as degrees, training, credentials, and detailed work experience. Only the top three candidates will generally be referred to the selecting official for consideration.
Also, explore and apply for all job vacancies in the government and private sectors to improve you chance of employment. Post office job applicants seeking entry level professional and administrative positions can apply for mail handling positions and take the Battery Exam to get their foot in the door. Once hired, as vacancies open in their specialty such as accounting, budget, and other occupations, the Postal Service often advertises these positions first to current postal employees through internal job announcements.
Once you get your foot in the door you can bid on these restricted announcements and the experience that you will gain from the entry level mail handling position will help you to better understand the postal system.
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