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My Favorite Chaperone Answers

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Comprehension Read each of the following questions. Then choose the letter of the best answer. Which statement best describes the main conflict in the story? B Maya needs permission to go to a school dance. Maya is upset when she is called to the...

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A She wants to keep her father from becoming angry. B She misunderstands what the principal says. C She thinks Nurzhan was right to defend himself. B expect her to do well in school. C are from a country with different customs. D want her to set a...

What is an example of alliteration in my favorite chaperone

My Favorite Chaperone. The Red Umbrella. Malala part 2 and 3. Inside Out and Back Again Review. Of Mice and Men. Everfi Consumer Credit for original owner terms. My Favorite Chaperone 10 Background In addition to being the author of more than a dozen novels for young adults, Jean Davies Okimoto b. Perhaps that is why she has such insight into the characters that she portrays. My Favorite Chaperone Close Read Everything on the following pages will be copied into you notes for your binder. My Favorite Chaperone Questions Read lines to analyze what the paragraph reveals about the narrator. What can you infer about the narrator? She feels hopeless. Lines reveal background on story characters and setting and conflict. Get started for free! This story talks about how a foreign family migrated to Chicago from Kazakhstan. The parents were unfamiliar with the customs in the US since they have been in Kazakhstan for a long time. The siblings, Maya and Nurzhan became familiar with these customs Comprehension Read each of the following questions.

"My Favorite Chaperone," Vocabulary from the short story

Then choose the letter of the best answer. Which statement best describes the main conflict in the story? Explosition Explosition Maya receives a permission slip for the spring fling, the all-school dance. Her family came to America through an international dating magazine. Question 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Played times.

My Favorite Chaperon

These non-native people eventually outnumbered the natives. When Kazakhstan became an independent country in , the government s policies began to favor native Kazakhs, leading many non-natives to immigrate to other countries. Setting a Purpose Read Use the question to focus your reading. Analysis: Character Lines The narrator is a character in the story, and she begins the story by presenting her thoughts and actions in a particular situation. Reread lines Analyze what this first paragraph reveals about the narrator. What can you infer about the narrator? The narrator is a student who wants to be able to go to a school dance but thinks it is unlikely she can get permission. The use of the word nyetand the reference to life in American suggest that she narrator may be an immigrant to the United States.

My Favorite Chaperone

The narrator decides to take the permission slip even though she is sure she will not be allowed to attend the dance. What does this action reveal about her? Analyze Stories: Plot Lines Beginning on line 15, the narrator is describing events from the past that brought her family to America. Most stories begin by introducing characters, the people involved in the story, and the setting, the time and place of the story. Early in a story, the author also introduces a conflict, or problem that has to be solved.

`` My Favorite Chaperone `` By Jean Davies Okimoto

Lines reveal background on and aspects of the story s characters, setting, and conflict. What details explain how an international dating magazine brought the narrator s family to America? The narrator introduces Aunt Madina, Mama, and Papa. Their initial conflict involves lack of money. Aunt Madinamet her American husband and moved after placing her picture in a dating magazine. Things got very hard in Kazakhstan. The narrator s parents lost their teaching jobs and had to sell family possessions to survive. Aunt Madinaasked the narrator s family to join her in America and they agreed.

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Sponsor: The narrator is explaining the circumstances that led to her family s move to America. What is suggested by Aunt Madina sneeding to sponsor the narrator s family? There is likely to be a law or requirement that someone already living in America must vouch for, or support, any immigrant who wants to come here. Analyze Stories: Plot Lines In line 68, the story returns to the present and reveals more about the narrator s conflict related to the permission slip. Reread lines Identify the story s conflict. What does the conflict reveal about the narrator s parents? The conflict is the narrator s desire to go to the Spring Fling, though she is sure her parents will not give their permission for her to do so.

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The narrator s parents seem traditional and conservative, and think school activities should focus on education rather than social activities: Mama thinks it is strange to have parties and events after school when students should be doing their homework. Lines Readers learn more about the narrator as she shares her thoughts about being a member of the gymnastics team. Cite Text Evidence: Reread lines to identify the reasons why the gymnastics team is a fine, good thing. What do those reasons reveal about the narrator? I m free! We became friends Shannon s family is very American. The reasons reveal the narrator s struggles to mesh her Kazakh life and responsibilities with what she sees of American life and culture. Infer why the narrator would feel stunned, based on what you know about her so far. The narrator has said that gymnastics makers her feel free, with no responsibilities. Also, she has mentioned two different permission slips, which implies she usually follows the rules.

"my favorite chaperone"

She s generally well behaved in school and that having the vice-principal speak to her is very unusual. Analyze Language Lines A simileis a comparison using the words likeor as. Authors often use such comparisons to help readers create a vivid picture of a scene in their minds. Reread lines to identify the comparisons that help you imagine the scene as Maya arrives at the office. What is the effect of the author s comparisons? The author says that Maya s mind was empty, like a dry riverbed where there is only cracked, baked earth and nothing lives. Maya moves like a person made from wood, a puppet.

My Favorite Chaperone Short Story by Jean Davies Okimoto

The comparison creates a feeling of stiffness, or a lack of life. It reinforces the idea that Maya is terrified in this situation. Analyze Stories: Plot Lines In a story s rising action, characters encounter issues and complications as they try to resolve a story s conflict. Reread lines to identify why Maya has become involved in the events surrounding her brother s suspension from school. What does her involvement suggest about her role in the family? Maya s involvement suggests that she is often placed in situations at the store, at the doctor where she must be adult-like as she speaks for her parents.

My Favorite Chaperone by Jean Davies Okimoto

Explain why having to go through the dispatcher to reach her father adds to Maya s stress. Going through the dispatcher ads to Maya s waiting time, and she realizes that she may miss her gymnastics meet. Lines Readers gain additional insights into Maya s character as she describes her thoughts and reactions to the news of her brother s fight. Reread lines to make note of the ways in which Nurzhan s fight will impact Maya. What does her reaction suggest about her? Cite evidence. Cite Text Evidence Maya feels bad for her brother, but she is upset that his actions will cause problems for her: I couldn t fault him for fighting I felt angry that I had to miss the meet because of Nurzhan.

Who are the characters in my favorite chaperone?

She knows that her parents will hold her responsible for the fight: He and mama think it s my duty to keep him out of trouble. Her reaction suggests that she has dealt with comparable situations and knows what to expect of each of her family members. Authors use dialogue to reveal information about characters. Reread lines to find out what led to Nurzhan s fight. What does the conversation reveal about Nurzhan? Zabornikis explaining to Maya that he witnessed Nurzhan s fight. What does the phrase this was no scuffle suggest about the fight? Lines Authors use dialogue to reveal what characters are like. Reread lines Note the differences between what Mr. Shanaman says and what Maya translates. While Papa says very little, Maya s translation tells readers what he is like.

Summary Of The Book My Favorite Chaperone By Jean Davies Okimoto

What does her translation suggest about Papa? Analyze Stories: Plot Lines As the rising action continues, Maya has to deal with the aftermath of her decision to modify Mr. Shanaman s words. Reread lines Why does Maya believe her actions are justified? Lines Like their interaction in lines , the dialogue between Maya and Nurzhan in lines gives information about the characters and their relationship. Reread lines Analyze what the dialogue reveals abou the brother and sister. What is Maya s role in Nurzhan s life? Lines While the dialogue in lines reveals Mama s view of her children, it also shows a conflict that the family must deal with as immigrants. Reread lines to identify the difference in customs between Kazakhstan and American that causes a problem. How do you know that Maya and Nurzhan understand this difference better than their mother?

`` My Favorite Chaperone `` By Jean Davies Okimoto | Bartleby

Get your price Maya knew her dad would be furious, so she developed a plan. Maya called and she told Papa that Nurzhan was involved in a fight. Everything was mild until something really bad happened. The next event in the story was thatMaya waiting for the activity bus when Daniel picked her up and started playing with her. Maya was scared for her life, she came to the car. The car was filled with an awkward silence. What has happened Aibek? Is this what you teach her? Lessons to be a toy for American boys! Mama was quickly concerned with what Maya did. Maya told her what happened and then she got in big trouble. She knew she could never go to the dance now. Maya talked about how she imagined running away like the wind, behind the mini-mart, sailing past the E-Z Dry Cleaner, past the bus stop in an easy gallop through the crosswalk. You know nothing of these things! Mama yelled. On Wednesday afternoon of the following week, Mama was sitting on the couch waiting to talk to Maya. Mama said she fell at work.

Summary Of The Book My Favorite Chaperone By Jean Davies Okimoto - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus

Also, Maya had to cook dinner which was a struggle. Nurzhan was watching her and told her that she was bleeding and that the potatoes were covered in blood. The next evening, Maya sat with Nurzhan to help him with his spelling words. You can go! Maya was able to go to the dance, but with Nurzhan as a chaperone. Mama came into the kitchen the morning of the dance and gave Maya a small gold bracelet. Mama told Maya that she gave a lot of work for Maya to do, for she is only a young girl. Maya and her friend Shannon met in the bathroom after school, while Nurzhan was waiting for them. Shannon said hi to him and he followed them into the gym. Shannon and Maya were laughing until Daniel and David came up to them. Maya started to dance with Daniel and talk to him. Nurzhan was watching but all Maya could see was an empty chair. That night Maya asked Nurzhan where he went. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.

Summary Of The Challenges In My Favorite Chaperone By Jean Davies Okimoto

On a Google Doc, explain whether you feel it would be more difficult to live life being blind or deaf. If you had to go without, explain which of the two senses you would choose not to have. Would being born without sight or hearing make it easier or harder to live without the sense? Be sure your paragraph minimum of eight sentences and may compose more than one response uses complete sentences, academic vocabulary no RIP words or contractions , and correct language conventions grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling. Please use either Times New Roman or Arial size 12 font and align your margin on the left side of your document left justify.

Schweers, Christine / 8th ELA Assignments

Also, remember to indent and double-space your paragraph s. Please use "Blind or Deaf" as your centered title above your paragraph s. This assignment is posted and due in GC by p. Remember, our class meets from ; the Zoom link is posted in GC. The A and B-day Cohorts will resume when students return to campus. Based upon what you read and learned in this article, what is your opinion? Should women be allowed to participate in Army Ranger missions? Be sure your paragraphs use complete sentences, academic vocabulary no RIP words or contractions , and correct language conventions grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling. Also, remember to use the standard Arial or Times New Roman size 12 font blue or black "ink" and to align your margin on the left side of your document left justify.

"My Favorite Chaperone," Vocabulary from the short story - Vocabulary List :

Please use "Should Women Do This? Remember to use either Arial or Times New Roman size 12 font blue or black "ink". Please type out the entire paragraph being sure to indent the beginning and double-space throughout see example included in this post. Also, be sure to align your margin on the left side of your document left justify. Please follow the directions as stated on page and make your end marks, commas, semicolons, and colons using red "ink.

Last Updated: 28th March, Who are the characters in my favorite chaperone? Terms in this set 22 maya. Madina Zhamejakova. Bob Campbell. Shannon Lui. Click to see full answer. Also know, what is the story my favorite chaperone about? This story talks about how a foreign family migrated to Chicago from Kazakhstan.

Can someone please check my paper to see if its ok.?

The parents were unfamiliar with the customs in the US since they have been in Kazakhstan for a long time. Additionally, who is the author of my favorite chaperone? Perhaps that is why she has such insight into the characters that she portrays. Simply so, what is the falling action of my favorite chaperone? The climax of the story is when Nurzhan got the permission slip to the dance signed for Maya if he would be her chaperone. The falling action of the story is when Maya's mom gives her a bracelet that her mom wore to a dance when she was sixteen and now she was giving it to Maya to wear to the Spring Fling.

"My Favorite Chaperone"

In what ways is Maya like a typical middle school student? Maya is like a typical middle school student because she enjoys sports, clothes, and boys.

Summary Of The Challenges In My Favorite Chaperone By Jean |

Last Updated: 21st April, Who is the author of my favorite chaperone? This story talks about how a foreign family migrated to Chicago from Kazakhstan. The parents were unfamiliar with the customs in the US since they have been in Kazakhstan for a long time. Similarly, you may ask, who are the main characters in my favorite chaperone? Terms in this set 22 maya. Madina Zhamejakova. Bob Campbell. Shannon Lui. Similarly, what complications does Maya face? What complications does Maya face as she attempts to solve her conflict?

What is the theme of “My Favorite Chaperone”?

The conflicts she faces are: Papa finds her with Daniel and David and gets mad at her for letting American boys treat her like a "toy". Beside this, what is the resolution of my favorite chaperone? The resolution of the story is Maya got to go to the dance and she got to dance with Daniel because of Nurzhan getting the permission slip signed for Maya. What do you learn about Maya and the conflicts he faces in lines 1 14? In the first 14 lines of the story, we learn that Maya is an immigrant that now lives in America. She is having trouble adjusting to a new culture here in the states. The conflict that she is facing is that her parents want her to behave like a regular Kazakh girl, but also like an American girl.

Who is the author of my favorite chaperone?

Last Updated: 28th March, Who are the characters in my favorite chaperone? Terms in this set 22 maya. Madina Zhamejakova. Bob Campbell. Shannon Lui. Click to see full answer. Hereof, what is the story my favorite chaperone about? This story talks about how a foreign family migrated to Chicago from Kazakhstan. The parents were unfamiliar with the customs in the US since they have been in Kazakhstan for a long time. Likewise, who is the author of my favorite chaperone? Perhaps that is why she has such insight into the characters that she portrays. Regarding this, what is the falling action of my favorite chaperone?

My Favorite Chaperone Close Reading Questions - MrBoZ's Classroom

The climax of the story is when Nurzhan got the permission slip to the dance signed for Maya if he would be her chaperone. The falling action of the story is when Maya's mom gives her a bracelet that her mom wore to a dance when she was sixteen and now she was giving it to Maya to wear to the Spring Fling. In what ways is Maya like a typical middle school student? Maya is like a typical middle school student because she enjoys sports, clothes, and boys.

My Favorite Chaperone Jeopardy - Factile Jeopardy Classroom Review Game

Get your price Maya knew her dad would be furious, so she developed a plan. Maya called and she told Papa that Nurzhan was involved in a fight. Everything was mild until something really bad happened. The next event in the story was thatMaya waiting for the activity bus when Daniel picked her up and started playing with her. Maya was scared for her life, she came to the car. The car was filled with an awkward silence. What has happened Aibek? Is chapperone what you teach her? Lessons to be a toy for American boys! Mama was quickly concerned with what Maya did. Maya told her what happened and then she got in big trouble. She knew she could never go to the dance now. Maya talked about how she imagined running away like the wind, behind the mini-mart, sailing past the E-Z Dry Cleaner, past the bus stop in an easy gallop through answerw crosswalk.

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